Degree offered at: Campbellsville
Purpose of the Mathematics Major
The purpose of the Mathematics Major is to promote competency in the calculus, algebraic structures, and function theory with applications. This program is designed to encourage academic excellence while preparing students for life-long learning and continued scholarship in mathematics. Upon completion of the mathematics program, our graduates will be prepared to
(1) enter the job market in mathematics or a related field and/or
(2) engage in graduate study in mathematics or a related field.
Problem-Solvers in the Workplace
Contrary to any popular misconceptions, teaching is not the only career option
for those earning a bachelor’s degree in mathematics. In fact, a math degree is both
versatile and marketable. Even if a graduate never again constructs a rigorous proof,
the problem-solving skills that one acquires and hones during their academic tenure
are highly valued—and financially rewarded! A mathematics degree offers opportunity
and options, for a graduate is sure to find their careers in a variety of professional
settings, public or private, of which several are listed below.
Careers in Math
- Actuary
- College or University Math Professor
- Cryptographer
- Data Analyst
- Data Scientist
- Engineer
- Finance Careers
- Information Security Careers
- Investment Banking Analyst
- Management Consultant
- Mathematician
- NSA (cryptography, data mining, coding)
- Operations Research Analyst
- Process Engineer
- Project Manager
- Quality Assurance Manager
- Software Developer
- Statistician
College of Arts and Sciences
Earn a degree in the fields of Art and Design, Human Performance, Humanities, Mathematics, Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, and more.
Questions? Contact Us.
Dr. Ashlee L. Matney
Mathematics Department Chair